Temperatures are rising here in Texas and that means keeping cool in a safe way. Heat exhaustion can happen on a day at the lake, pool or even while running around town running errands. Below are some tips on preventing heat exhaustion from Web MD.
Take it easy during the hottest part of the day. That is usually around 3pm.
Drink plenty of fluids.
Wear loose, light clothing.
Never leave anyone in a parked car.
Avoid drinking large amounts of beverages with caffeine or alcohol as those are diuretics.
Be cautious if you are at increased risk
Cool off. Splash pads, swimming pools, lakes, even a spray bottle filled with cool water will work!

Going swimming? Here are water safety tips to keep the family safe!
Wear Sunscreen. Don't forget to reapply as needed.
Designate a swim buddy.
Use barriers around pools and hot tubs.
Boating? Ensure life jackets fit properly.
Actively supervise the kiddos.
Learn CPR
Here is a poster by the America Red Cross that provides a nice visual aid. Did I miss any what water or heat safety tips do you follow?
