December Lady of the Month- Soraya LaFleur
This month Soraya LaFleur is our woman of the month. It seems pretty fitting since I found out that December is her favorite month of...
December Lady of the Month- Soraya LaFleur
November Lady of the Month- Jacquelyn Lowe
October Lady of the Month- Shannon Gill
July Lady of the Month- Delia Isaac
May Lady of the Month: Heather Wheeler
April Lady of the Month: Haley Metcalf
March: Celina Lady of the Month Lisa Hudson
February Lady of the Month: Tammie Walker
Melynne Noble: Celina Ladies & Friends January Lady of the Month
Frances Morales- September Lady of the Month
Lady of the Month: Marcia Mathieu
Lissa Shepard- Lady of the Month July
Judy Strawmyer- Lady of the Month
Michelle Lee Baggett- Lady of the Month, May
Janee Eatmon- April Lady of the Month
Sandy Carter - Celina Lady of the Month (March)