Happy Mother’s Day
Sunday May 13th is Mother’s Day. The holiday to honor Mothers was officially started in 1908 when Anna Jarvis lobbied Congress to honor all mothers with a special day. Later in her life, she became so upset over the commercialization of Mother’s Day, that she tried to abolish it. How crazy is that story?
So, if you go out to eat on Mother’s Day, beware, there may be a line. 92 million American’s or 37% of American consumers enjoy dining out on Mother’s Day. More flowers are sold on or for Mather’s Day, than for any other holiday except for Christmas. And we also know about the “Mother of all Mail Days” – 113 Million Americans plan to send a card to someone special. So, celebrate, share some time with your mom, cherish and love her! I wonder what Anna Jarvis would say now about the commercialization of Mother’s Day!